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We are looking for Kennel workers.  Currently we need people willing to work weekends.​

Duties include:

  • Cleaning kennels

  • Feeding and watering dogs and cats.​

Minimum Requirements:

  1. Must be able to lift a minimum of 50 pounds

  2. Should be comfortable around all types of dogs and cats. 

Valid Driver's License may be required.​

Please Fill out and submit the online application

To drop off or request a paper application please click Contact Us

Rescue The Animals, Inc. Employment Application

Equal Opportunity Employer

General Information

Number, street, city, state, zip code

Number, street, city, state, zip code

The best number to reach you.

If applicable


Choose all that apply

If applicable

Are you 18 years of age or older?
Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?
Do you have a valid driver's license?

Choose the date that you can start.

Have you worked for this company before?
Have you previously applied for a position with our company?

Choose a date when you last applied.

Have you ever pled guilty to, been convicted of, or received probation or deferred adjudication for any criminal offense, other than minor traffic citations?

A Yes answer will not necessarily bar you from employment.

Employment History

Starting with present or most recent, list positions you have held.

Include any previous employment with this company.

Include at least ten years of employment if applicable and use additional sections as needed.

City, state, zip

May we contact your present employer?
Have you ever been discharged or requested to resign from any positions?

Please include the following:

Name of previous employer

Company address

Phone number

Starting Date

Date Left

Starting Salary

Ending Salary

Reason for Leaving

Job Title



Nature of Business

Description of job duties

Please include the following:

From Date

To Date

What were you doing during these times?

Please include the following:


Address and phone number

Company name, address, and phone number

Position or Occupation

How long have you known them?

Please include the following:

Name of School

Type of school(High school, technical or GED, College, Graduate school, etc)

City and state of the school



Years Completed

Did you graduate?

Do you have a degree?

If you have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, please list the following:

Branch of Service

Dates of Active Duty

Skills used or Special Training


This company is an equal opportunity employer, and provides equal employment opportunities to all applicants and employees regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or age. Any concerns regarding equal opportunity issues should be promptly reported to management. We conduct criminal history investigations as a part of the hiring process, and check records for convictions, guilty pleas, probation and deferred adjudication.

By my acknowledgement below, I certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation, falsification or omission of a material fact in this application shall result in the rejection of my application or termination of my employment. I authorize this company to investigate and verify all information relevant to this application. I authorize

employers, schools, references and other persons or organizations with information about me to disclose such information, and I release them

from any liability for such disclosure. If I am hired, I understand that my employment will be on an at-will basis, and will not be governed by an

employment contract of any kind. Both I and the company will have the right to terminate employment at any time for any reason. If I am hired, I

agree to comply with the policies and rules as described in the Employee Handbook and other communications to employees.

Documents and images only will be accepted.

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